Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 6: My Girl

First of all if you don't know what movie this is from, shame on you! Second, if you have seen it. Why the heck are you reading my blog?

I remember having a conversation like this with Edwin way back in the day. I was thought for sure I was going to marry the guy that works at the Tannehill ice cream parlor (boy did I have high goals) and Edwin said what happened if that didn't work out. I told him that I would cry. Edwin said he would dry my tears. Looking back now I realize that he already loved me. 

Like Vin's love for Hunter, Edwin has loved me for a long time. It's funny I used to spend every waking moment in summer with the funny looking kid. He was a wuss but we loved him. He made the greatest fake dad while playing house in the pine straw. (Btw dad thanks, I just realized that you telling us to play house in the pine straw was your way of getting us to rake the pine straw up!!)

Edwin was my first kiss. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. He kissed me when my cat died. And he went to the pet store with me and he bought me another one. Cocoa is still living to this day with Mewmaw! Cat is old as dirt but Edwin loves seeing Cocoa.

Now fast forward to November 2013 Edwin knew that I was hurt from everything. He came running. He brought another cat with him. And we have been inseparable again. Edwin saves me all the time. I feel like I am finally seeing that I had the perfect fairytale all along. The best of the best. 

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