Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fresh Start Challenge Day 25: XOXO

Dear Hunter,

You've been my twin for forever! We might be born a month apart but we are joined as twins. From us using each other as a stepping stool to get out of places our parents put us. To us determined we looked good with crazy line hair. To running like morons through the sunflowers. To hiding in the woods. To hunting. To trying to knock each other off the porch. To getting arrested together. To getting each other home when we are drunk off our ass. Thank you for the impact of love and support.

Dear Daddy,

To the man who gave me life. Who put a gun in my hands at three. Who put a shot glass in my hand at 13. To the man who took me to my first Alabama football game at two years old. You taught me to stand up for myself. And you also spoiled me rotten. You helped me realize that I am important and to go after what I want. Not just expect it to be dropped in my lap. I do wish you had pushed the whole cleaning thing but that's okay. Edwin is good at cleaning. I love you and treasure you as my father.

Dear Grandma,

The only one who agreed with me and Hunter when we said our mothers sucked! You are still so freaking dang awesome. The only to completely bash the mothers with us. Spoil us rotten and yet make us grateful for the things we have. You have always cheer me up and help me through things.

Dear Lillian,

We have hung out on and off all of our lives. We spent countless summers stuck in a tent at festivals together. We weren't always that close but we did laugh a lot. I am glad that finally changed. You have become such a close friend to me as well as cousin. I can't imagine what my life would be without you. You have given many different chances to grow and learn more and more. Thank you so much for becoming closer to me.

Dear Edwin,

Yup I saved you for last. It's hard to write something to someone when you want to spend forever writing it. I just can't believe what an amazing man you have become. You were always amazing as a friend and accomplice but you stand on your own feet now even if you no reason for standing up. You are so courageous and yet such a wuss at the same time. I love you to death and we have forever!

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